I have to admit. People that stir up the status quo, I kind of like them. Chavez is not a person I particularly like, but I must confess, I do thank him for sparking life into US-LATAM politics. Also I like the fact that he gives the middle finger to Washington, especially its State Department. His energy agreement with Tehran and its controversial leader must chill Washington's spine. I must be clear here, that I don't really like Chavez but I do sympathize with some of his goals, the problems in his nations, plus he has the politician-comedian-star quality that Sarkozi and Berlusconi possess. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, on the other hand is a person that gives me the creeps. In fact, I am afraid of him. I think he is much more evil than Hugo. Hugo is definitely insane, but I would not call him evil. More of a rebel. Sometimes without a cause. Mainly I think he is just really really pissed with the strong bully neighbor from the north - rightfully so if you ask me - and is doing everything in his power to piss them off. I think he is succeeding big time. Just by being arrogant. I also believe that he will have Mahmoud drink wine from his shoe just by being the only one who actually talks to him. Two birds in one stone. Haha!!