I have to admit. People that stir up the status quo, I kind of like them. Chavez is not a person I particularly like, but I must confess, I do thank him for sparking life into US-LATAM politics. Also I like the fact that he gives the middle finger to Washington, especially its State Department. His energy agreement with Tehran and its controversial leader must chill Washington's spine. I must be clear here, that I don't really like Chavez but I do sympathize with some of his goals, the problems in his nations, plus he has the politician-comedian-star quality that Sarkozi and Berlusconi possess. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, on the other hand is a person that gives me the creeps. In fact, I am afraid of him. I think he is much more evil than Hugo. Hugo is definitely insane, but I would not call him evil. More of a rebel. Sometimes without a cause. Mainly I think he is just really really pissed with the strong bully neighbor from the north - rightfully so if you ask me - and is doing everything in his power to piss them off. I think he is succeeding big time. Just by being arrogant. I also believe that he will have Mahmoud drink wine from his shoe just by being the only one who actually talks to him. Two birds in one stone. Haha!!
Great post. I share the same feelings with you vis a vis Hugo. A lovable pain in the ass...
Oliver Stone must have thought so as well. Right after his trip to Tehran, Hugo flew to Venice for the opening of the biographical film that Stone directed. The film got some unfavorable reviews, mainly for profiling Hugo in a nice way. I think Oliver should make up for making W. seem kind of nice. haha
Check out the PBS Frontline special on Chavez
It is certainly not a hagiography, like Stone's. By the way, Frontline produces excellent stories, I would recommend many on their list. I showed this one in my comparative politics class.
Oh, thank you very much sweetheart. Great that you keep following my blog. I will check out the frontline link cheers
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