All this week volunteers have tried to go over the burnt land and save any animals that we found that were hurt but alive. Unfortunately most animals we found were dead. Not that many animals were found to be honnest. It is either wild life in Pendeli has long been gone or that the fire ashed most of its victims. We found mainly turtles and a few dogs and cats the first day but the more the days progressed the more we would find dead bodies.
Animals sometimes hide for days at a

The sight is heartbreaking...apologies for the shocking pictures.
Today after 5 hours and 20 volunteers we were able to save 5 turtles - one badly burnt - and one lizard. The rest we found dead...in awful state.
The anger slowly kicks in and takes the place of devastation and sorrow. Anger against almost everybody. The arsonists. The construction companies. The people who bought houses up in the mountain. The politicians. Above all against the citizens who continue to vote for personal gain.
Athens as we know it will die. This was the end.