Last night we had our PANYGIRI in Vrilissia. People rushed in to pay their respects to merchants' booths and to the dozens of cafeterias and meat serving souvlakeries. Oh yes, some went to attend the mass at the church.
We also had a booth. By 'we' I mean our humane society. There are about 20 of us that squeeze in our daily life volunteer work for our 4 (or sometimes 3)-legged friends. Amy was the star of the evening showing off her new coiffure, her new outfit, and her freshly manicured 3 paws.
I have kept her since her operation where she escaped death (and the teeth of a very angry rodweiler) and she is now a part of our 7-member family (besides myself and Amy, the other members are all 4-legged)
We had lots of fan and sold about 150 T-shirts and about 100 hats totalling 1000 euros that equals saving about 6 dogs and feeding more than 50. What we are fighting against is human cruelty over innoscent animals. People hitting or poisoning animals, or living them on the street or somewhere away from home once they decided that they are too big now and not cute puppies any more and want to get rid of them, of neglecting them, of keeping them tighted up in short ropes all their life.
As George Orwell had put it: Four legs good, two legs bad.
We hope not all of them