The US President decided that during the NATO meeting one of the countries to meet outside of Protocol was dear old small Greece. I am almost certain that our present ruling Government could not believe their good fortune. Clearly, Greece is important strategically due to its position. This is the reason that the EU accepted us in the first place (yes yes, we know about our glorious fathers, we are talking about our moron brothers - that was a surprise).
Obviously several hot topics were discussed, the fight against terror, the economic crisis and of course the US wanted to clearly show that they want us not to honor the agreement with Putin about the gas pipe and rely our energy sources on traditional US media (oil) but most importantly, slam the door in SE Europe - as well as heavyweight Europe - to Russia.
All that understood
What I think have not been picked up and is understated is Dora's personal win.
First of all, New Democracy showed not ready to receive preferential treatment. Then The Obama and Karamanlis exchanged vowes to visit each other. Obama said that they want FYRoM in NATO. So did Hilary a few hours later in a press conference. Only if/when the name issue is resolved and it MUST have a complex name.
Needless to say Dora was ecstatic. On both accounts. After all, it will go down as a personal win. After all, Hillary's stand is a 180 degrees from Bush's last referral to the name. Not to mention Greece's treatment by the US. Whether it is circumstantial or targeted to a specific cause (KEEP RUSSIA OUT) it does not matter. It can all go down as Dora's success. And it most likely will in her party presidential campaign
One thing I know for sure, is that next Greek parliamentary elections will be more fun.