With all the talk about financial crisis, wars, elections, and whatever else might occupy the thinker's mind, we kind of forgot that our planet is actually dying.
We, by we I am referring to the human race and mainly to the people of each country - they have the power not the politicians, they elect the politicians, are not doing anything really to stop the destruction of our planet. Already some very intuitive travel agent - from Miami I believe - is selling land on the moon, venus and mars. If I am not mistaken the price of 1sqklm on the moon is approx 30usd.
What we have really not done is reverse the destruction of the planet. Details you can observe in Gore's an unconvienent truth and other documentaries or books or greenpeace leaflets.
The distraction starts from the sea. No matter how cute I believe pollar bears and pandas are, or how gorgeous the tiger is, 90% of species endagered with exstinction live in the sea. Entire habitats have been wiped out. Some varieties of tuna - the med tuna - is close to exctintion as it is a premium sushi delicacy. During the last few days there have been large amounts of big fish (30klg) that are found dead in the Maliakos sea. Although sample water has been extracted for testing no toxic material was found. Of course nothing comfirms that the sample water was taken from teh right spot, or that the natural habitat of those fish in deep sea can still provide the food it takes for them to feed. Perhaps the water is contaminated deeper than where the fish bodies are found.
Given the fact that Greece is gearing up for national elections, I am pretty confident that this incident will be burried in paper work by clerks, officers, ministers that will just care over the next few months to maintain - or win - a spot under the sun.
In the meantime more dead fish bodies will be found and all the more Greece's richness will be robbed.
We have three options: forget about it, cry about it (and then forget about it), or do something about it. Those of us who have ever tried to do something about it can very clearly determine that unless it is tied to national or regional elections and will personally benefit a strong political figure NOTHING will ever be done.
It is another inconvenient truth that us Greeks are trying to forget - or accept it as part of life. Shame
1 comment:
A lot of truths Zeta in your posts. One of the possible solutions in Greece is the Green Party to develop a specific "green" platform and get into the Greek Parliement. With the current lack of balance of power, they could become "masters of the game"
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