This blog is dedicated to promoting ideals about animal rights and welfare, trying to bring humans closer to animals and understand the undisputed fact that animals are sentient beings. Speciesism is as bad as racism used to be a few decades back and there is absolutely no excuse for it.
This blog is also about life through the eyes of someone who believes that all species are created equal, no matter of size, gender, origin, skin or fur color and texture.
Dogs are said to be a man's best friend. Man is not necessarily the same to the dog. But dogs can have some very good strange friends. Elvis, the dog lives in Leintal Zoo, in Schwaigern, Germany. His two best friends Panya and Malia love him very much and show him with cuddles and play all day long. Elivs loves the attention and the care of his friends and disregards all the strange looks of Zoo visitors. Love rules.
I have very often referred to animals as superior beings. This reference had nothing to do with me being a weirdo or an eccentric late 30s single tree hugger freak. No. I am a person who loves animals and is equally naive about human kidness. Hense the single status. Well, to cut a real long story short, I have many times referred to the superior beings but rarely explained why. Well the reason is simple. They know how to love, to survive, to care, to nurture, to accept, to change, to move on. If a dog can breastfeed orphan kittens why can not a priviledged human adopt an unpriviledged child? What was the drive so strong to this dog that made her want to keep these babies alive? Why do humans equal their own survival with the destruction of someone else? Would they hurt to breastfeed orphans? Or feed the poor? Or teach them to live? Or cure them? Wouldn't global trade benefit of the hundreds of societies that are sieged by poverty, disease, illiteracy, and eventually gloom? One of the key principles in economics is the only way to make money is to let money flow in the market. Eventually it will come back to you. Instead then of keeping all these poor nations under global debt by giving them all the more expensive money and letting them suffer under undemocratic governments, feed them, teach them, cloth them, house them, make them feel secure. Then they will be able to consume. At equal grounds. Like you and me. Like all of us. This will probably take place sometime in the following centuries and scarcity of resources will make people work together instead of killing each other. Till then, ponder on the lessons of some who have come to wisdom before our species
Now tell me where you see the human superiority over wild life....